
2022年10月5日—Hello,IhaveasomewhatstrangeproblemthatIhavetriedtosolvethesedaysbutIstillcan't,Ihopeyoucanhelpme.,2021年4月20日—DescribethebugwhenusingChinesetextinloggingfile,theencodingofthelogfilewillchangfromUTF-8toansiiExpectedbehaviorthe ...,2016年6月3日—StringobjectsinJavausetheUTF-16encodingthatcan'tbemodified.Theonlythingthatcanhaveadifferentencodingisabyte[].Soifyou ...,2010年11月11日—...

"-jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF

2022年10月5日 — Hello, I have a somewhat strange problem that I have tried to solve these days but I still can't, I hope you can help me.

encoding problems in log file #16668

2021年4月20日 — Describe the bug when using Chinese text in logging file, the encoding of the log file will chang from UTF-8 to ansii Expected behavior the ...

How can I correctly read UTF

2016年6月3日 — String objects in Java use the UTF-16 encoding that can't be modified. The only thing that can have a different encoding is a byte[]. So if you ...

How to force a jar to use(or the jvm that jar runs in) utf

2010年11月11日 — For older Java versions, you need to specify the input encoding as a String (ugh). The list of possible encodings depends on the JVM, but every ...


2019年11月10日 — 最终解决办法:java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar xxx.jar 以下是本人的一些废话,为记录点滴~. 起因:公司需要基于Jenkins平台上,进行一个批量构建的 ...

java 打包成jar(可运行)方法以及UTF

2019年4月4日 — encoding=utf-8 -jar xxx.jar现在我的问题是,我可以在源代码中编写一些内容 ... java -jar utf8,如何强制jar使用(或jvm运行)utf-8,而不是系统的默认 ...

Need to specify

2016年4月5日 — It took me a while to work out that the fix was to specify the file.encoding as a JVM option. E.g.. java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar myscript.jar.

OWASP Java Encoder

The OWASP Java Encoder is a Java 1.5+ simple-to-use drop-in high-performance ... jar, import org.owasp.encoder.Encode and start encoding. Please look at the ...

Supported Encodings

jar file) supports all encodings shown on this page. The following tables show the encoding sets supported by Java SE 8. The canonical names used by the new ...

UTF-8 text in jar file

2020年12月18日 — In general, there are multiple possible configuration problems regarding character encodings. I guess, the jar file is still correct.